Henrietta, Gwyneth, Vy, Alice, Anabel and Amy have received certificates from Buckingham Palace in recognition of their completion of the Bronze Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA) and we have other pupils who are very close to completing the award too. Vy, Gwyneth and Henrietta have also now completed the Silver award and are looking forward to receiving their second certificate from Buckingham Palace in the post soon.
iDEA is an international programme that provides free digital skills education in the form of engaging online modules. iDEA’s different learning categories (Citizen, Worker, Maker, Entrepreneur and Gamer) cover topics as diverse as cyber security, cloud computing, e-safety, animation, growth hacking, customer relationship management and web development. Participants take on a series of challenges that earn them points which aggregate towards their Bronze, Silver or Gold Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award. The curriculum has been curated to help inspire people all over the world to become digital citizens, to enhance their employability and to help them become economically active.