Author: Zahir Kawa

My Dyson Challenges – Science is Fun!!!

17th June 2020

Dyson challenges are really fun, and I wholly recommend having a go! Here are three of my experiments: Balloon Kebabs When you put a skewer through a blown-up balloon, you would think the balloon willpop straightaway! But it doesn’t, as long as you put the skewer through the places in the balloon with the least…


30th April 2020

Our very talented cello teacher, Mr Dan Burrows, has been busy during lockdown. In between teaching all his pupils, Mr Burrows has been doing some multi-tracking. Click HERE and relax for a while listening to the amazing music he has produced  

French News

28th April 2020

Year 1 have started a new project on mini beasts. This week in Mme Condren’s video they learnt how to say ‘une araignée’ and how to sing ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ in French. Here are some of the girls’ lovely pictures, all labelled in French.       Bravo, Victoria, Annabel G and Isla!

Art News

24th April 2020

In Art this week all the year groups have been perfecting their observational skills by challenging themselves to create a ‘continuous line drawing’ :   Isabel Ellison was inspired by the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy to create this design from natural materials:   Below are some of the Year 6 Oil Pastel Sgraffito:

Kindergarten Hatched Some Eggs!

26th March 2020

Three weeks ago, Kindergarten set some eggs in an incubator. We have been counting down the days until the eggs hatched. On Tuesday, we were rewarded when the first chick popped out! We watched as an egg moved and a hole appeared. Then we could hear cheeping and a tap tap tap as the chick…

Scientist in Reception

17th March 2020

Today we became scientists to find a way to ‘see’ germs! We did an experiment and all we needed was some bread. We had one slice as the ‘control’ which no one touched and it went straight into a bag. The second slice of bread was touched with dirty hands. Then we had to think…

We are off to the Nationals!

9th March 2020

A huge congratulations to the U11A netball team for reaching the IAPS National Netball Finals. The team played their regional qualifier on Thursday at Kent College Pembury where they faced tough opposition throughout the day. In the morning the team won their group convincingly by winning all of their matches. The team were playing some…

Author Visit

6th March 2020

On Tuesday, we were very lucky to have Jonny Duddle come and visit Kindergarten, Reception and Years 1 and 2. He did lots of drawing for us and the Year 1 and 2 girls even joined in, sketching pirates. The Early Years pupils listened to stories about Dinosaurs and Jonny drew us our very own…

Year 4 work takes to the High Street in Sevenoaks to promote World Book Day

5th March 2020

See their display in British Bookshops Sussex Stationers. Visit on Saturday to see the staff in costume for World Book Day! Thank you again for the kind donation of £100 worth of book tokens.      


26th February 2020

On Shrove Tuesday, at break time, all girls from Reception to Year 6 came along to the field and terrace with their teachers for a pancake competition! The girls lined up in their houses, with different year groups in different locations. Girls in Reception to Year 2, started on the bell, by passing the pancake…